Open House

 First Saturday

of each month

and By Appointment 

Includes a tour of the 1891 Heritage House with Period furnishings, the Christian R. Harris Memorial Hall, the First Jail in San Bernardino. Please call (909)709-1895 if you would like to make an appointment. Donation is required for appointments.


Mary Lewis Collection

Pha - Pop


Phari, Blanche 

Phelan, Albert E 

Phelan, David 

Phelan, Josephine V 

Phelan, Sarah A 

Phelps, Albert Montague 

Phelps, Alva H 

Phelps, Annie 

Phelps, Charles Edwin 

Phelps, Charles 

Phelps, Elisha C 

Phelps, Etta 

Phelps, Fred 

Phelps, Hiram Edgar 

Phelps, Homer 

Phelps, James B 

Phelps, Jerry 

Phelps, John H 

Phelps, John Sheldon 

Phelps, John W 

Phelps, John 

Phelps, Marcus 

Phelps, Ollie 

Phelps, Sarah 

Phelps, Volney 

Phelps, William Edward 

Phelps, William Jonathan 

Phelps, William Wykes 

Phieler, Christian C 

Philbrook, Nathan 

Phile, Louis 

Philip, Albertha L 

Philipp, Paul Gustave 

Philippbar, William 

Philippi, Rudolph Julius 

Philippi, Rudolph 

Philips, T 

Philips, William Cozart 

Philistine, Marie 

Phillip, Ella B 

Phillip, George F 

Phillipps, David C 

Phillipps, Joseph E 

Phillipps, Leon Wade 

Phillips, A.O 

Phillips, Agnes 

Phillips, Alfaretta 

Phillips, Alfonse 

Phillips, Anna 

Phillips, Charles Edwards 

Phillips, Clarence 

Phillips, D. J 

Phillips, Edward A 

Phillips, Erwin 

Phillips, Francis C 

Phillips, George Henry 

Phillips, Henry 

Phillips, Hickman 

Phillips, John B 

Phillips, John 

Phillips, Joseph W 

Phillips, L 

Phillips, Leslie 

Phillips, Lillie 

Phillips, Louis 

Phillips, Louisa 

Phillips, Mattie May 

Phillips, May 

Phillips, Milton Sargent 

Phillips, Mueta 

Phillips, Newkirk Reading 

Phillips, Paul R 

Phillips, S 

Phillips, Silas Terry 

Phillips, Thomas 

Phillips, William J 

Phillips, William Joshua 

Phillips,James B 

Philp, Volney Edward 

Philson, Lucinda 

Philson, Walter Chapman 

Philyaw, William Franklin 

Phinney, Mellen Mosher 

Phipps, John 

Phipps, Rank 

Phipps, Stewart Carrick 

Phlmiere, A. M 

Phy, John Marshall 

Phy, Mary Margaret 

Piatt, Ann 

Piatt, Edgar N 

Pica, Bernarda 

Picken, Margeurite 

Pickens, George B 

Pickering, Albert 

Pickering, David 

Pickering, Edward 

Pickering, Ernest 2 

Pickering, Ernest 3 

Pickering, Ernest 

Pickering, Henry 

Pickering, James A 

Pickering, Seulda 2 

Pickering, Seulda 

Pickering, William Price 

Pickett, Alson Gray 

Pickett, Baxter 

Pickett, George Blackwell 

Pickett, Joseph W 

Pickett, William 

Pickle, Albert 

Pickrell, Zadok 

Pico house 2 

Pico house 

Pico, Alvino 

Pico, Francisco 

Pico, Isabella C 

Pico, J. H 

Pico, Jose Antonio Bernardino 2 

Pico, Jose Antonio Bernardino 

Pico, Pio photo 

Pico, Pio 

Pico, Ruth 

Piddington, Alfred 

Pidy or Picly 

Pier, Albert G 

Pier, Everett H 

Pier, George Alexander 

Pier, Thomas G 

Pierce, Anna G 

Pierce, Anna 

Pierce, David N 

Pierce, Deborah 

Pierce, Edgar Francis 

Pierce, Edward R 

Pierce, Elijah D 

Pierce, Frank Lester 

Pierce, Fred 

Pierce, George Sewell 

Pierce, George Strunk 

Pierce, Homobona 

Pierce, Isaac Washington 

Pierce, J. E 

Pierce, James 2 

Pierce, James 3 

Pierce, James 4 

Pierce, James and family, photo 

Pierce, James 

Pierce, John 

Pierce, Joseph S 

Pierce, Louisa 

Pierce, Martin Frank 

Pierce, Melbourne Sherman 

Pierce, Melvin Sherman 2 

Pierce, Nicholas R 

Pierce, Sarah M 

Pierce, Soda 

Pierce, William H 1 

Pierce, William H. 2 

Pierce, William Hamilton Cob 

Pierce,David Mansfield 


Piercy, Charles C 

Piercy, Dick 

Piercy, W. 

Pierson, Alida 

Pierson, E. M 

Pierson, Edward 

Pierson, Fred 

Pierson, Hannah 

Pierson, Jennie M 

Pierson, John H. 1 

Pierson, John H. 2 

Pierson, John Henry 

Pierson, L. H 

Pierson, Lena 

Pierson, Louis 

Pierson, Maria 

Pierson, Marie 

Pierson, Martin B 

Pierson, Phoebe 

Pierson, Regina E 

Pierson, Reverday J 

Pierson, S. E 

Pierson, Theron Barnum 

Pierson, William Merritt 


Piffer, Charles H 

Pifilo, Rafilo 

Piggott, William Anthony 

Pigott, William 

Pike, Agnes Juanita 

Pike, Jervis E. 2 

Pike, Jervis E 

Pike, William 

Pilch, A. B 

Pile, Robert Haynes 

Pilger, Samuel 

Pillsbury, Minnie I 

Pinckert, Curt H 

Pinckert, Ella Clara 

Pinckert, Ernie 1 

Pinckert, Ernie 2 

Pinckert, Ernie 3 

Pinckert, Ernie 4 

Pinckert, Jeanne Dixon 2 

Pinckert, Jeanne Dixon 

Pinckney, Arthur D 

Pine, Charles 

Pine, Dudley 2 

Pine, Dudley 

Pine, Edward H 

Pine, Edwin 

Pine, Joseph 

Pine, Jr., Samuel Cook 

Pine, Leonard 

Pine, Martha 

Pine, Myron 

Pine, Samuel C., Jr 

Pine, Sr., Samuel Cook 1 

Pine, Sr., Samuel Cook 3 

Pine, Sr., Samuel Cook 4 

Pine, Sr., Samuel Cook 

Pinkerton, M. Lillie 

Pinkley, V. M 

Pinkley, Virgil M. Jr 

Pinkley, Virgil 

Pinnell, Homer F 

Pinney, Guy 

Pino, Cirildio 

Pino, Juan 


Piot, Jan 

Pipher, Jacob 

Pipkin, Stephen 

Pirth, albert C 

Pirtle, Albert Claiburn 

Piseo, Francisco 

Pishon, Nathaniel J 

Pishon, Nathaniel Johnson 

Pison, Joseph 

Pitche..., Francis 

Pitcher, Bert Joseph 

Pitcher, Edward Louis 

Pitcher, Hiram 

Pitcher, Joseph W 

Pitcher, Loren Edward 

Pitcher, Lorin Edward 

Pitcher, William Howard 

Piteteva, Franc 

Pithcer, Loren Edward 2 

Pithcer, Roland M 

Pithcer, William E 

Pitherick, John H 

Pitt, Charles W 

Pitt, John W 

Pitt, Robert A 

Pittan, Clarence 

Pittman, Bessie 

Pittman, Cyrus 

Pittman, Henderson 

Pitts, A. W 

Pitts, Benjamin Ward 

Pitts, Charles Edward 2 

Pitts, Charles Edward 

Pitts, Charles Leander 

Pitts, Elliot 

Pitts, F. M 

Pitts, James Albert 

Pitts, James M 

Pitts, Joseph  

Pitts, Murry 

Pitts, Olover 

Pitzer, Lemuel William 

Pixley, Charles 

Pixley, Howard R 

Pixton, James 

Plagens, William W 

Plaisted, Mark Roscoe 

Planeico, E. L 

Plant, Christina 

Plant, James Hood 

Plant, John Henry 

Plants, Rebecca 

Plasant, Gustave 

Plasants, Juli.. 

Plasman, William 

Platero, s 

Platner, William Albert 

Platt, Burton Cowles 

Platt, Mary J. 2 

Platt, Mary J 

Platt, Samuel 

Platt, William M 

Please, Henry 

Ploch, Marie L 

Plohemus, William 

Plotts, Madelaine 

Plowman, Ed. T 

Plum, Chester N 

Plumley, Horace C 

Plummer, Charles Eastman 

Plummer, E. J 

Plummer, Joseph Clark 

Plummer, Robert W 

Plummer, William S 

Pluth, Marcus 

Poates, W. W 

Pobans, Annie 

Pocock, John William 

Poeattie, Julia 

Poeston, Arthur 

Poffenbarger, Louisa J 

Poindexter, John B 

Polcene, W. C 

Poletti, Rosa 

Polhamus, Albert 

Polhamus, Isaac 

Polhemus, Henry D 

Polhemus, Jacob 2 

Polhemus, Jacob 

Poling, George Washington 

Poling, James David 

Polinghorne, David Claude 

Polinque, Leon 

Polite, Galeron 

Pollack, Minnie 

Pollard, Barnie A 

Pollard, Effie 

Pollard, George 

Pollard, II, William 

Polley, Alta 

Polliard, Thomas E 

Pollock, Abraham 

Pollock, Charles 

Pollock, James R 

Pollock, Jennie 

Pollock, Periander 

Pollock, Samuel 

Pollock, William Gilmore 

Poloski, Samuel 

Polson, Paul 

Polti, Charles 

Pomeroy, Jean 

Pomington, Frank E 

Pommier, Emil 

Pompa, Ignacio 

Ponce, Cattalano 

Ponce, Victor 

Pond, C. B 

Pond, Henry F 

Pond, R. H 

Pond, Robert S 

Pondstone, Jacob 

Ponsa, Rafael 

Ponse, Jesus 

Pool, Robert E 

Poole, Charles Augustus 

Poole, Charles P 

Poole, Daniel 

Poole, David M 

Poole, Edmund E. 2 

Poole, Edmund E 

Poole, Edward Wiley 

Poole, Frank 

Poole, Frederick Augustus 

Poole, Frederick 

Poole, Grace 

Poole, James H 

Poole, James Hilliard 

Poole, James Powell 

Poole, Joseph Mossena 

Poole, Peter John 

Poole, Robert 

Poole, Walter James 

Poole, William Henry 

Pooley, Arthur W 

Poolie, John W 

Poor, Homer 

Popa, Altagracia 

Pope family 1 

Pope, Elisa 

Pope, Elizabeth 

Pope, Essie 

Pope, James Bond 

Pope, John 2 

Pope, John 3 

Pope, John 

Pope, Jose Delores 2 

Pope, Jose Delores 3 

Pope, Jose Delores 

Pope, Jose 

Pope, Julain 13 

Pope, Julain 26 

Pope, Julian 2 

Pope, Julian 3 

Pope, Julian 4 

Pope, Julian 5 

Pope, Julian 6 

Pope, Julian 7 

Pope, Julian 8 

Pope, Julian 9 

Pope, Julian 10 

Pope, Julian 11 

Pope, Julian 12 

Pope, Julian 14 

Pope, Julian 15 

Pope, Julian 16 

Pope, Julian 17 

Pope, Julian 18 

Pope, Julian 19 

Pope, Julian 20 

Pope, Julian 21 

Pope, Julian 22 

Pope, Julian 23 

Pope, Julian 24 

Pope, Julian 25 

Pope, Julian 27 

Pope, Julian 

Pope, Luciana 2 

Pope, Luciana 

Pope, Maria 2 

Pope, Maria 3 

Pope, Maria Isabel 

Pope, Maria Isabella 

Pope, Maria 

Pope, Mary Isabel 

Pope, Thomas 

Pope, William A 

Pope, Wilson N 

Pople, Albert Le Roy 

Poppett, Alan 

Poppett, Allen Thurman 

Poppett, Charles Raymond 

Poppett, Ed 2 

Poppett, Ed 3 

Poppett, Ed 

Poppett, Frances E 

Poppett, George Washington 

Poppett, Grover Cleveland 

Poppett, Herbert 

Poppett, Huley 

Poppett, Ira 

Poppett, John R 

Poppett, John Robert 

Poppett, Joseph 

Poppett, Morson Franklin 

Poppett, Robert 2 

Poppett, Robert 3 

Poppett, Robert 4 

Poppett, Robert 5 

Poppett, Robert 

Poppett, Stanley L