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501(c)(3) non-profit organization

Open House

 First Saturday

of each month

and By Appointment 

Includes a tour of the 1891 Heritage House with Period furnishings, the Christian R. Harris Memorial Hall, the First Jail in San Bernardino. Please call (909)709-1895 if you would like to make an appointment. Donation is required for appointments.

Hil - Hol Mary Lewis Collection


Hilands, Anna L 

Hilberg, David 

Hildebrand, Minnie Miller 

Hildebrand, William 

Hill, Alta Skaggs 

Hill, Charles E 

Hill, Charles Gates 

Hill, Clara E, Frederick, Elva, William B 

Hill, Claudius Milton 

Hill, Cora 

Hill, Cornelia (2) 

Hill, Cornelia A 

Hill, Cornelia 

Hill, Ella A 

Hill, Ellen 

Hill, Emma 

Hill, Ernest Vance 

Hill, Eugene L 

Hill, Frank A 

Hill, Frederick Abner 

Hill, Grace H 

Hill, Harriett C 

Hill, Howard G 

Hill, Isaac Leroy 

Hill, J S 

Hill, James 

Hill, John C 

Hill, John R 

Hill, John Reed 

Hill, John Richard (2) 

Hill, John Richard (3) 

Hill, John Richard 

Hill, John 

Hill, Josephine S 

Hill, Lamont E 

Hill, Layfaette 

Hill, Lee Raymond 

Hill, Leonard  C 

Hill, Lewis 

Hill, Louis R (2) 

Hill, Louis R 

Hill, Mamie E 

Hill, Margaret Nicholson 

Hill, Mary J 

Hill, Maxine Noble 

Hill, Merica 

Hill, Merrill Washington 

Hill, Merton E 

Hill, Mrs. E J 

Hill, Nele I 

Hill, Newton 

Hill, Richard W 

Hill, Robert L 

Hill, Samuel W 

Hill, Sherman 

Hill, William (2) 

Hill, William (3) 

Hill, William B 

Hill, William Riley 

Hill, William Thomas 

Hill, William 

Hill, Willis 

Hillard, C T 

Hillard, Nettie 

Hillerman, George Hayes 

Hilliard, Sarah E and Melville J 

Hilligoss, Nellie 

Hillis, Elmer F 

Hillman, Charles W 

Hillman, G Allen 

Hills (see Hill, Charles Gates) 

Hills, Darwin O 

Hills, Newton 

Hillyer, Curtis G 

Hillyer, Harry 

Hillyer, Helene Vaughn 

Hillyer, Mrs. 

Hilton, John Wilborn 

Hilton, Martin Luther 

Hiltscher, Frank 

Hiltscher, Fred and Max 

Hinchey, Mary 

Hinchman, George P 

Hinckle, Laura A 

Hinckley Jr, Frank 

Hinckley Sr, Frank (2) 

Hinckley Sr, Frank 

Hinckley, Frank (2) 

Hinckley, Frank (3) 

Hinckley, Frank (4) 

Hinckley, Frank 

Hinckley, George Stevens 

Hinckley, Georgia Alice 

Hinckley, L Stewart 


Hindle, Susan 

Hindley, Thomas 

Hiner, George 

Hines, Charles 

Hines, Ernest C 

Hines, Frank 

Hines, John C 

Hines, Juan 

Hing, Wong 

Hinkle, Harry 

Hinkle, Harvey Lee 

Hinkle, Howard Leslie 

Hinkler, Hannah 

Hinkley, S B 

Hinman, Enoch 

Hinman, Mary 

Hinman, Walter Herbert 

Hinshaw, Emma 

Hinshaw, Harry Otis 

Hintch, L 

Hinton, Henry 

Hinton, William Hall and Annie 

Hinton, William 

Hinze, Virginia 

Hipes, Rilda 

Hirchskowitz, M 

Hird, A P 

Hird, John P 

Hirons, James 

Hiroso, Romdo 

Hirsch (see Hersch), Ruth Baldridge 

Hirschler, Herman A 

Hirshkowitz, Ida 

Hirst, James 

Hirst, Samuel 

Hislop, Orilla 

Hisom Sr, Geroge L 

Hisom, Fred Hall 

Hisom, George L (2) 

Hisom, George L 

Hisom, Raymond 

Hitchcock Sr, Robert William 

Hitchcock, Horace 

Hitchcock, Lester Fayette 

Hitchcock, Madeline 

Hitchcock, William (Willie) England 

Hitchin, William 

Hite, John P 

Hitesman, Lottie 

Hitsman, Whitcomb H 

Hittem, John 

Hively, William A 

Hixon, Cassius 

Hixon, William 

Hixson, James Worth 

Hoag, Abraham (Abram) 

Hoag, Benjamin Franklin 

Hoag, Isaac Newton 

Hoagland, Acel Albert 

Hoagland, Ernest Edward 

Hoagland, Lucas (2) 

Hoagland, Lucas 

Hoagland, Monroe A 

Hoagland, William B 

Hoagland, William J 

Hoar, Albion L 

Hoar, Benjamin Franklin 

Hoar, Eliza 

Hoar, Ella F 

Hobaker, William D 

Hoban, Frank 

Hoban, John 

Hoban, William J 

Hobart, Charles H 

Hobart, Charles L 

Hobart, Mary 

Hobbs, Charles W 

Hobbs, Myrtle 

Hobbs, William Alexander 

Hobbs, William I 

Hobby, Arthur Stanley Jr 

Hobine, Michael 

Hobon, James 

Hobson, John 

Hobstadt, Eugene 

Hocarta, Ocenda 

Hochstein, Sigmund 

Hockaday, Philip Brandywine 

Hocker, Ca--- 

Hocker, Mrs. A 

Hocking, Javez 

Hocking, Mabel R 

Hockman, Catherine L 

Hockman, Charles H 

Hockman, David 

Hockman, William 

Hockridge, Sidney 

Hockstraser, John 

Hodgdon, Ha--- F 

Hodge, Daniel Albert 

Hodge, Frank 

Hodge, Harry H 

Hodge, Jacob S 

Hodge, John F and Clara 

Hodge, Joseph 

Hodge, Mayme McInerny 

Hodge, Morgan C 

Hodge, Raymond E 

Hodge, Victor N 

Hodges, Edward S 

Hodgkins, George 

Hodgkinson, Augusta 

Hodgson, Thomas 

Hodson, Jessie R and Gynne 

Hodson, Thomas 

Hodson, William 

Hoe, Laura 

Hoefferle, John 

Hoeppner, John M 

Hoff, George D 

Hofflins, Samuel 

Hoffman (alias), Rudolph Nadorff 

Hoffman (Huffman), James 

Hoffman, Andrew F 

Hoffman, Arthur 

Hoffman, Edward F 

Hoffman, Fred 

Hoffman, George (2) 

Hoffman, George Washington 

Hoffman, George 

Hoffman, Hoxie L 

Hoffman, John Calhoun 

Hoffman, John W Smith 

Hoffman, John 

Hoffman, Margaret 

Hoffman, Mary E and Matilda 

Hoffman, Rudolph (2) 

Hoffman, Rudolph 

Hoffman, Samuel (Santiago) 

Hoffman, Thomas B 

Hoffman, Verle 

Hoffman, William 

Hoffmeyer, Lilly 

Hoffstadt, A 

Hofman, Linda 

Hogaboom, Fred Northup 

Hogan, Clara 

Hogan, Dennis Francis 

Hogan, Frank 

Hogan, Henrietta 

Hogan, James J 

Hogan, James 

Hogan, Jane C 

Hogan, T M (H) 

Hogan, Wilton T 

Hogben, Frederick 

Hoge, Charles Hugh 

Hoge, J M 

Hoge, William G 

Hogen, William F 

Hogg, George 

Hogue, Raymond 

Hohman, August H 

Hohn, Elizabeth M 

Hohres, George R 

Hoien, Elmer 

Hoien, Nale 

Hoit, J D C 

Holaday, George W 

Holbrook George Robert 

Holbrook, George R 

Holbrook, George Wilbur 

Holbrook, Guy A 

Holby (Holly),  James 

Holcomb, Bertha 

Holcomb, Charles Stewart 

Holcomb, Francis Leroy 

Holcomb, George Vernon 

Holcomb, Gordon S 

Holcomb, Grant (2) 

Holcomb, Grant (3) 

Holcomb, Grant (4) 

Holcomb, Grant (5) 

Holcomb, Grant (6) 

Holcomb, Grant (7) 

Holcomb, Grant (8) 

Holcomb, Grant 

Holcomb, Howard L (2) 

Holcomb, Howard L 

Holcomb, Howard Lee 

Holcomb, Jess Allen 

Holcomb, Mabel Miller 

Holcomb, Milton Allen and Wilmer G 

Holcomb, Ray E 

Holcomb, Samuel Frost 

Holcomb, Scott (2) 

Holcomb, Scott (Beryl) 

Holcomb, Scott 

Holcomb, Stephen A 

Holcomb, W F (2) 

Holcomb, W F (3) 

Holcomb, W F (4) 

Holcomb, W F (5) 

Holcomb, W F (6) 

Holcomb, W F (7) 

Holcomb, W F (8) 

Holcomb, W F (9) 

Holcomb, W F (10) 

Holcomb, W F (11) 

Holcomb, W F (12) 

Holcomb, W F (13) 

Holcomb, W F (14) 

Holcomb, W F (15) 

Holcomb, W F (16) 

Holcomb, W F (17) 

Holcomb, W F (18) 

Holcomb, W F (19) 

Holcomb, W F (20) 

Holcomb, W F (21) 

Holcomb, W F (Billy) (2) 

Holcomb, W F (Billy) (3) 

Holcomb, W F (Billy) 

Holcomb, W F 

Holcomb, William Francis (2) 

Holcomb, William Francis (3) 

Holcomb, William Francis (4) 

Holcomb, William Francis (5) 

Holcomb, William Francis (6) 

Holcomb, William Francis (7) 

Holcomb, William Francis (8) 

Holcomb, William Francis (9) 

Holcomb, William Francis (10) 

Holcomb, William Francis (11) 

Holcomb, William Francis (12) 

Holcomb, William Francis (13) 

Holcomb, William Francis (14) 

Holcomb, William Francis (15) 

Holcomb, William Francis (16) 

Holcomb, William Francis (17) 

Holcomb, William Francis (18) 

Holcomb, William Francis (19) 

Holcomb, William Francis (20) 

Holcomb, William Francis 

Holcomb, William Robert 

Holcomb, William T 

Holcomb, William Winfield 

Holcomb, Zephaniah 

Holcomb,Minnie Swarthout 

Holcomb,Sommers Covington 


Holdaway, Boyd J (2) 

Holdaway, Boyd J (3) 

Holdaway, Boyd J (4) 

Holdaway, Boyd J 

Holdaway, Daniel Webster (2) 

Holdaway, Daniel Webster 

Holdaway, David B (2) 

Holdaway, David B 

Holdaway, James Nathaniel (2) 

Holdaway, James Nathaniel 

Holdaway, Timothy (2) 

Holdaway, Timothy (3) 

Holdaway, Timothy (4) 

Holdaway, Timothy 

Holde, Rudolph 

Holden, Charles E 

Holden, Charles H 

Holden, Edwin K 

Holden, Elizabeth 

Holden, F E 

Holden, James 

Holden, John Alexander 

Holdredge, Abner 

Holdridge, Arthur 

Holdzkom (Holdzom), Al Walter 

Holdzkom, Paul R (2) 

Holdzkom, Paul R 

Hole, Wilmar D 

Holiday, George Washington 

Holiday, Thomas Schuyler 

Holiday, Thomas 

Holladay (Halladay), John Daniel 

Holladay (Holaday), Thomas Draper 

Holladay Sr, John Daniel 

Holladay, David Hollis 

Holladay, Fred 

Holladay, John Daniel Jr 

Holland, Allen 

Holland, Earnest E 

Holland, Florence 

Holland, Henderson 

Holland, Jacob Headly 

Holland, John Franklin 

Holland, John W 

Holland, Lowell 

Holland, Michael 

Holland, Moses J 

Holland, Percy E 

Holland, Sarah 

Holland, William 

Hollett, John 

Holliday, Blanche Elizabeth 

Holliday, John 

Holliday, Ulysses G 

Holling, Ernest Sievert 

Holling, George 

Hollis, William C 

Hollister, George E 

Holliway, Agnes 

Hollow, George 

Holloway, Laura 

Holloway, Lucinda 

Holloway, Oscar Alfred 

Holloway, William 

Hollowell, Woodard J 

Holly, Charles W 

Holly, Isabella Esther 

Holly, James 

Holm, Olive E 

Holman, George 

Holman, Isaac Allen 

Holman, Lizzie and Luella 

Holman, Robert L 

Holman, W D 

Holmes Sr, Wardman 

Holmes, Albert O 

Holmes, Albert Osbun 

Holmes, Alfred O 

Holmes, Ben Loan 

Holmes, Bernese Gay 

Holmes, Charity H Hall 

Holmes, Charles A 

Holmes, Charles Morris 

Holmes, Chester John 

Holmes, Child 

Holmes, E 

Holmes, Edward 

Holmes, Eliza 

Holmes, Elmer Wallace 

Holmes, Fannie B 

Holmes, Florence M 

Holmes, Francis (Frank) Joseph 

Holmes, Frank (2) 

Holmes, Frank (3) 

Holmes, Frank (4) 

Holmes, Frank (5) 

Holmes, Frank 

Holmes, Isaac J 

Holmes, James Clay 

Holmes, James L 

Holmes, Joseph Henry 

Holmes, Joseph 

Holmes, Lillian 

Holmes, Louise 

Holmes, Meta Snowden 

Holmes, Oliver 

Holmes, Percy J 

Holmes, Thomas (2) 

Holmes, Thomas (3) 

Holmes, Thomas (4) 

Holmes, Thomas 

Holmes, Wardman Jr 

Holmes, Will Hammond 

Holmes, William F 


Holmstrom, August 

Holsinger, James 

Holsom, Raymond 

Holstein, Rosa 

Holt, Adam 

Holt, Alvin Wesley 

Holt, Dan 

Holt, E A 

Holt, Flora A 

Holt, George C 

Holt, Hiram Ladd (2) 

Holt, Hiram Ladd 

Holt, James Edward 

Holt, James 

Holt, Kendall 

Holt, Luther M 

Holt, Nimrod Benjamin 

Holt, Thomas E 

Holt, Thomas Elijah Emerson 

Holt, W F 


Holton, Claus 

Holton, Effie 

Holton, George Lucious 

Holton, W T 

Holtze, Florence 

Holtzman, J F 

Holyland, Frank 

Holyoke, Lizzie T Thayer 

Holyoke, William Edward 

Holywell, William C 

Holzheier, F A